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T'au Empire : 750pts [750 points]

par AlucardleVash - modifiée le 24 Juin 2022

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Stratagèmes Optimisations
  • [Codex] 1.Précision du Chasseur
Détachement principal
Héros épiques
Commandant en Exo-armure Coldstar

Equipement : Verrouillage de cible, Générateur de bouclier, Canon à induction surcadencé , Fusil à plasma froid, Lance-flammes T'au, Projecteur Thermoneutronique
Aptitudes : Exo-armures, Frappe Manta, Maître de Guerre, Manoeuvres à haute altitude, Tactiques Agressives
Mots clés : Coldstar, Commandant, Exo-Armure, Infanterie, Personnage, Répulseur, Vol
Mots clés de faction : Empire T'au, Sept T'au
obs : [T'au] Propulseur de Manoeuvre Vectorielle
Optimisations : [Codex] 1.Précision du Chasseur

1PC - Tempete de feu stupéfiante
18" choisir une unite enemie => jusqu'a la fin de la phase, chaque mort compte pour 2 au moral

1PC - Champ répulsif (exo-armure)
-2 au jet de charge

1PC - Frapper et disparaitre
Tir puis 6" mvt
1 unité | 170 points | 22.67 %
Exo-armures Stealth (6 + 1)

Equipement : Canon à induction (4), Éclateur à fusion
Aptitudes : Champs de camouflage (Stealth), Infiltration
Mots clés : Base, Exo-Armure, Exo-Armure Stealth, Infanterie, Répulseur, Vol
Mots clés de faction : Empire T'au
+ Drone de Marquage Shas'vre Stealth Equipement : Éclateur à fusion


T’au Empire – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Use this Stratagem at the start of your Shooting phase. Select one T’AU EMPIRE JET PACK unit from your army. You can shoot with that unit and then it can make a Normal Move of up to 6". That unit cannot shoot again this phase.


T’au Empire – Wargear Stratagem
Use this Stratagem in your opponent’s Charge phase, when a BATTLESUIT unit from your army is selected as a target of a charge. Until the end of the phase, subtract 2 from charge rolls made for any unit that declares a charge against that BATTLESUIT unit. The charge roll modifier incurred via this Stratagem is not cumulative with any other negative modifier to a unit’s charge roll.
Exo-armure Ghostkeel (1 + 2)

Equipement : Contrôleur de drones, Senseur d'alerte anticipée, Cyclo-araseur à ions , Éclateur à fusion (2), Poings de Ghostkeel
Aptitudes : Brouillage Actif Ghostkeel, Infiltration
Mots clés : Exo-Armure, Exo-Armure Ghostkeel, Répulseur, Véhicule, Vol
Mots clés de faction : Empire T'au
+ Drone Furtif (2) Aptitudes : Drone Stealth
Mots clés : Drone, Drone Furtif, Vol


T’au Empire – Epic Deed Stratagem
Use this Stratagem in your Command phase. Select one T’AU EMPIRE model in your army Until the start of your next Command phase, that model is considered to have its full wounds remaining for the purposes of determining what characteristics on its profile to use.


T’au Empire – Strategic Ploy Stratagem
Use this Stratagem at the start of your Shooting phase. Select one T’AU EMPIRE JET PACK unit from your army. You can shoot with that unit and then it can make a Normal Move of up to 6". That unit cannot shoot again this phase.

If that unit contains 5 or fewer models (excluding DRONE models), this Stratagem costs 1CP; otherwise, it costs 2CP.


T’au Empire – Wargear Stratagem
Use this Stratagem in your opponent’s Charge phase, when a BATTLESUIT unit from your army is selected as a target of a charge. Until the end of the phase, subtract 2 from charge rolls made for any unit that declares a charge against that BATTLESUIT unit.


T’au Empire – Epic Deed Stratagem
Use this Stratagem in any phase, when a saving throw is failed for a model in a T’AU SEPT unit from your army. Select one friendly T’AU SEPT DRONE model within 3" of that unit, or within 6" of that unit if it contains a model equipped with a drone controller. That DRONE model is destroyed and the Damage characteristic of that attack is changed to 0.
2 unités | 340 points | 45.33 %
Équipe d'attaque (10)

Equipement : Fusil à impulsion (9), Pistolet à impulsions (9)
Mots clés : Base, Équipe d'attaque, Équipe de Guerriers de Feu, Grenades à Photons, Infanterie
Mots clés de faction : Empire T'au
Shas'ui guerrier de feu Equipement : Fusil à impulsion, Pistolet à impulsions, Désignateur laser

1PC - Fusillade implacable
Tir rapide x2 & +1 PA

1PC - Rafale à bout portant
Arme = Pistole 2
1 unité | 85 points | 11.33 %
Char Hammerhead (1 + 2)

Equipement : Canon rail, Canon à induction Acceleré (2)
Aptitudes : Char Glisseur, Drones Arrimés, Explosion (6ps - D6 BM), Targeting Array
Mots clés : Hammerhead, TX7 Hammerhead Gunship, Véhicule, Vol
Mots clés de faction : Empire T'au
+ Drone armé (2) Aptitudes : Désarrimage, Protocole d'Identification des Menaces
Mots clés : Drone, Drone Armé, Vol
1 unité | 155 points | 20.67 %

Points : 750
Commandement : 0
Figurines : 24
Unités : 5

Photo aléatoire
Blood and Fire Squad

Blood Roses Sisters 500 par Silverpaint68
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