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Tyranids : [Basic] Invasion Fleet 2 - 500pt [500 points]

par Twig - modifiée le 11 Mars

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List explanation:

Genestealers and broodlord: This leader and his unit are absolutely lethal at hell at this point level and honestly I cannot recommend them enough. The Broodlord gives all 26 shots from this unit dev wounds, and the genestealers let them all reroll 1s to hit, and reroll 1s to wound when on objectives (though Broodlord has twin linked anyway) AND they have scout to get early movement. Couple this with the sustained hits from the detachment and youre getting a lot of hits out of the 26 attacks which means lots of hits, especially since they ALL hit on 2s, and lots of chances for crits and those sweet dev wounds. This really lets them punch up and take on some heavier infantry units in addition to shredding light infantry. They also have 4++ invuln save on the Broodlord and 5++ on the genestealers which make them reasonably survivable especially with the 6+/5+ feel no pain strategy from invasion fleet.

Biovore: easy home objective and secondary scoring. Running fixed is also very viable at this point level because players just won't have the units to screen you out of the board effectively, and with limited units of our own, we may not be reliably able to score ones like "bring it down" if you're short on anti vehicle/monster, or "capture enemy outpost" if you can't get to their home objective. This guy holds home base, and seeds spore mines all over scoring secondaries, and possibly forcing your opponent to move key units to try and block your secondary scoring spreading them even thinner.

Maleceptor: Toughness 11, 16 wounds, with strength 10 shooting at AP2, damage 3. His 18" range is great on smaller boards, and his invuln makes him even tankier, coupled with his 6inch -1 to hit debuff aura for enemy units. He can storm objectives in the mid board, or just be a great deterrent to hold one for you with a lethal melee profile to boot, and OC4 which is fine at this game size

Neurolictors: lone ops, stealth, and infiltrate for great movement shenanigans and survivability, all with an invuln to top it off and a decent precision melee profile. He is synapse too, and I guess he has his forced battle shock, but I have strong feelings about why that's usually useless. You're taking him here for the lone ops and movement, not battleshock. It's just a possible occasional benefit. He can force enemies to come out into firing lanes, or get on an objective and force the enemy to come to him.

Problems: as I mentioned at the start, 4 unit lists are brutal because you don't really want to lose any of them. In this list the neurolictor is actually the most expendible one because the biovore can hold home base AND score secondaries, the Maleceptor can hold/take objectives and score killing secondaries, and same with the genestealers. The neurolictor can be cheeky to get some secondaries, but really can't push anyone off an objective unless he battleshocks them, which is wildly unreliable. The main issue I have with my own list is backfield deep strike. At 500 points you sadly can't have it all, but I don't really have a unit id want to drop into their backfield except maybe the neurolictor, but he doesn't have deep strike which limits his options a little, and it means giving up his infiltrate. I'm also in trouble if I lose the genestealers because the only other real threat is the Maleceptor, which means I have to be sure not to get them charged or shot out.

Détachement : Tyranides - Flotte d'Invasion - Hyper-adaptations
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides
Début du 1er round, choisir l'une des Hyper-adaptations suivantes pour la bataille :
- Touches Soutenues 1 contre Infanterie et Nuées
- Touches Fatales contre Monstre et Véhicule
- Touche Critique = Précision

Serres et griffes de GénocrateMêlée52+6-22Blessures Dévastatrices, Jumelé

Equipement : Serres et griffes de Génocrate
Aptitudes : Intellect Malveillant, Regard Hypnotique (Psychique), Synapse, Eclaireurs 8ps, Meneur, Meneur Genestealers
Mots clés : Envahisseur d'Avant-garde, Genocrate, Grand Dévoreur, Infanterie, Personnage, Psyker
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides
Optimisations : [Flotte d'Invasion] Parfaite Adaptation
1 unité | 95 points | 19 %

Lanceur de spores-mines48D34+6-12Déflagration, Blessures Dévastatrices, Lourd, Tir Indirect
Membres chitineux acérésMêlée24+501

Equipement : Lanceur de spores-mines, Membres chitineux acérés
Aptitudes : Semer des spores-mines, Synapse, Destruction Néfaste 1
Mots clés : Biovores, Grand Dévoreur, Infanterie
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides
Genestealers (5)

Serres et griffes de GenestealersMêlée42+4-21

Equipement : Serres et griffes de Genestealers (5)
Aptitudes : Prédateur d'Avant-Garde, Synapse, Eclaireurs 8ps
Mots clés : Envahisseur d'Avant-garde, Genestealers, Grand Dévoreur, Infanterie
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides

Serres et griffes perforantesMêlée62+6-21Précision

Equipement : Serres et griffes perforantes
Aptitudes : Disruption Neurale, Saboteur Psychologique (Aura), Vrilles Sensitives, L'Ombre dans le Warp, Synapse, Agent Solitaire, Discrétion, Infiltrateurs
Mots clés : Envahisseur d'Avant-garde, Grand Dévoreur, Infanterie, Neurolictor
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides
3 unités | 230 points | 46 %

Surcharge Psychique18D6+33+10-23Déflagration, Psychique
Griffes tranchantes lourdes - FrappeMêlée33+9-2D6+1
Griffes tranchantes lourdes - BalayageMêlée63+7-12

Equipement : Surcharge Psychique, Griffes tranchantes lourdes
Aptitudes : Diffusion Encéphalique (Aura, Psychique), Endommagé 1-5 PV, L'Ombre dans le Warp, Synapse, Destruction Néfaste D3
Mots clés : Grand Dévoreur, Maleceptor, Monstre, Psyker, Synapse
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides
1 unité | 170 points | 34 %

Points : 495
Commandement : 0
Figurines : 9
Unités : 5

Photo aléatoire

Iron Warrior vroom par An0nymuzo
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