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Orks : Daka Daka Hey Hey

par Bishop777 - modifiée le 29 Juin

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Détachement principal
Héros épiques
Zodgrod Wortsnagga

Squigstoppa1215+4-11Anti-Monstre 4+, Pistolet
Eul' Chop'zappeurMêlée52+7-22

Equipement : Squigstoppa, Eul' Chop'zappeur
Aptitudes : Dose Spéciale, Super Minus, Waaagh!, Insensible à la Douleur 6+, Meneur, Meneur Gretchins
Mots clés : Héros Epique, Infanterie, Personnage, Zodgrod Wortsnagga
Mots clés de faction : Orks

Core Feel No Pain 6+, Leader
Faction : Waaagh!
Super Runts : While this model is leading an unit :
Models in that unit have the Scouts 9” ability.
» Each time a model in that unit makes an attack, add 1 to the
Hit roll and add 1 to the Wound roll.
= Each time an attack targets that unit, subtract 1 from the
Wound roll.
Special Dose: When you call a Waaagh!, until the start of the
next battle round, add 6" to the Move characteristic of models in this model's unit.
1 unité | 80 points
Boyz Alpagueurs (10)

655+17+2Boyz Alpagueurs
655+27+2Nob Alpagueur
Fuzi kikogn'18D35+602Déflagration
Arme de corps à corpsMêlée23+501
Sékateur énergétik'Mêlée43+7-12

Equipement : Kalibr' (8), Fuzi kikogn', Kikoup' (8), Arme de corps à corps
Aptitudes : Chasseurs de Monstres, Waaagh!, Insensible à la Douleur 6+
Mots clés : Alpagueur, Bande, Boyz Alpagueurs, Infanterie, Ligne
Mots clés de faction : Orks
Nob Alpagueur Equipement : Kalibr', Sékateur énergétik'

CORE: Feel No Pain 6+
FACTION: Waaagh!
Monster Hunters: Each time a model in this unit makes an
attthaat ctakrge ts a MONSTER or VEHICLE unit, you can re-roll
the Hit roll.
1 Beast Snagga Nob
= 9-19 Beast Snagga Boyz
The Beast Snagga Nob is equipped with: slugga;
power snappa.
Every Beast Snagga Boy is equipped with: slugga; choppa.
1 unité | 105 points
Transports assignés

Gros fling'3635+501Tir Rapide 2
Roues kloutéesMêlée35+601
Boule kikass'Mêlée14+100D6Attaques Bonus

Equipement : Gros fling', Roues kloutées, Boule kikass'
Aptitudes : Grots Bidouilleurs, Transport (12), Waaagh!, Destruction Néfaste D3, Pont de Tir 12
Mots clés : Kamion, Transport, Transport Assigné, Véhicule
Mots clés de faction : Orks

CORE: Deadly Demise D3, Firing Deck 12
FACTION: Waaagh!
Grot Riggers: At the start of your Command phase, this model
regains 1 lost wound.
= 1 Trukk
This model is equipped with: big shoota; spiked wheels.
This model has a transport capacity of 12 ORKS INFANTRY
models. Each MEGA ARMOUR model takes up the space of
2 models. It cannot transport JUMP PACK or GHAZGHKULL
THRAKA models.
1 unité | 65 points
Détachement : Orks - Horde de Guerre
Touches Soutenues 1 en mêlée
Boss Dresseur sur Squigosaure

Kikoup' de DresseurMêlée62+6-12Anti-Monstre 4+, Anti-Véhicule 4+
Mâchoires de SquigosaureMêlée34+7-23Blessures Dévastatrices, Attaque Bonus

Equipement : Kalibr', Kikoup' de Dresseur, Mâchoires de Squigosaure
Aptitudes : Prédateur Irraisonné , Ruée Tonitruante, Waaagh!, Insensible à la Douleur 5+, Meneur, Meneur Squigliers
Mots clés : Alpagueur, Boss de Guerre, Boss Dresseur sur Squigosaure, Monté, Personnage
Mots clés de faction : Orks
Optimisations : [La Chasse au Gros] Méchant kom' un Squiggoth

Feel no pain 5+, leader
While this model lead, can reroll Charge
Can target this unit with Heroic Intervention 0 cp even if already used the stratagem for another unit

Pince d'AlpagueurMêlée34+9-22Anti-Monstre 4+, Anti-Véhicule 4+

Equipement : Pince d'Alpagueur
Aptitudes : Chirur’jien, Outils de Dok, Waaagh!, Insensible à la Douleur 5+, Meneur, Meneur Alpagueurs
Mots clés : Alpagueur, Infanterie, Médiboss, Personnage
Mots clés de faction : Orks

Feel No pain 5+
Give FNP+5 to his unit
At the end of movement phase select 1 beast snaga character at 3'' and heal up to 3
Once per game if the unit lost any model can rez D3
2 unités | 220 points
Gretchins (11)

Pétoire grot1214+301Pistolet
Arme de corps à corpsMêlée15+201

Equipement : Pétoire grot (10), Arme de corps à corps (10)
Aptitudes : Eskamoteurs de Récup’, Fouettard, Waaagh!
Mots clés : Gretchins, Infanterie
Mots clés de faction : Orks
Fouettard Equipement : Kalibr', Klak'grot

FACTION: Waaagh!
Runtherd: Each time an attack targets this unit, if it contains
one or more Gretchin models, until that attack is resolved,
Runtherd models in this unit have a Toughness characteristic
of 2.
Thievin’ Scavengers: At the start of your Command phase, roll
one D6 for each objective marker you control that has one or
more units from your army with this ability within range of it
(excluding Battle-shocked units). If one or more of those rolls
is a 4+, you gain 1CP.
= 1 Runtherd and 10 Gretchin
= 2 Runtherds and 20 Gretchin
Every Runtherd is equipped with: slugga; runtherd tools.
Every Gretchin is equipped with: grot blasta;
close combat weapon.
1 unité | 40 points
Boyz sur Squigliers (4)

1074+37+2Boyz sur Squigliers
1074+47+2Nob sur Squig Krazeur
Armes de grot de selle914+301Assaut
Kipik' - Tir1215+5-12Anti-Monstre 4+, Anti-Véhicule 4+, Assaut
Kipik' - MêléeMêlée33+5-12Anti-Monstre 4+, Anti-Véhicule 4+, Lance
Mâchoires de SquiglierMêlée34+6-12Attaques Bonus
Gros kikoup'Mêlée43+6-12Anti-Monstre 4+, Anti-Véhicule 4+

Equipement : Armes de grot de selle (3), Kipik' (3), Mâchoires de Squiglier (3)
Aptitudes : Chevauchée Sauvaj’, Waaagh!, Insensible à la Douleur 5+
Mots clés : Alpagueur, Boyz sur Squigliers, Grenades, Monté
Mots clés de faction : Orks
Nob sur Squig Krazeur Equipement : Kalibr', Gros kikoup', Mâchoires de Squiglier

CORE: Feel No Pain 5+
FACTION: Waaagh!
Wild Ride: You can ignore any or all modifiers to this unit's
Move characteristic and to Advance and Charge rolls made for this unit.
Bomb Squig: Once per battle for each bomb squig this unit has, after this unit ends a Normal move, you can select one enemy unit within 12" of it and roll one D6: on a 2+, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds
Designer’s Note: Place the relevant number of Bomb Squig
tokens next to the unit, removing one each time this unit uses
this ability.
= 1 Nob on Smasha Squig and 3 Squighog Boyz
= 2 Nobz on Smasha Squigs and 6 Squighog Boyz
Every Nob on Smasha Squig is equipped with: slugga; big
choppa; squig jaws.
Every Squighog Boy is equipped with: saddlegit weapons;
stikka; squig jaws.
1 unité | 160 points

Points : 670
Commandement : 0
Figurines : 29
Unités : 7

Orks - Horde de Guerre : 420
Pts : 62.7%

Photo aléatoire
Battle Fortress

Apo par Slaanou
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