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Tyranids : Dixième détachement [2000 points]

par Henggus - modifiée le 29 Décembre

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Stratagèmes Optimisations
  • Tyranides - Ruée Broyeuse : Férocité débridée
  • Tyranides - Ruée Broyeuse : Impact fracassant
  • Tyranides - Ruée Broyeuse : Monstruosités saccageuses
  • Tyranides - Ruée Broyeuse : Rugissement sauvage
  • Tyranides - Ruée Broyeuse : Salves guidées par l'essaim
  • Tyranides - Ruée Broyeuse : Viscères corrosives
Détachement : Tyranides - Ruée Broyeuse
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides
+2 CO pour vos unités MONSTRE Tyranides non ébranlées qui sont encore à leur Force Initiale.

A chaque attaque d'une figurine MONSTRE Tyranides :
+1 pour toucher si l'unité de la fig est en dessous de son effectif initial
+1 pour blesser si l'unité de la fig est en dessous de son demi-effectif
Héros épiques
[Seigneur de Guerre] Le Maître des Essaims

Impulsion Synaptique18D6+3N/A5-12Psychique, Torrent
Sabres d'osMêlée82+9-23Jumelé

Equipement : Impulsion Synaptique, Sabres d'os
Aptitudes : Commandant de la Ruche, Domination de l'Esprit-Ruche (Aura), Présence Malveillante (Aura), L'Ombre dans le Warp, Synapse, Destruction Néfaste D3, Meneur, Meneur Gardes
Mots clés : Grand Dévoreur, Héros Epique, Le Maître des Essaims, Monstre, Personnage, Psyker, Synapse
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides

Hive Commander: At the start of your Command phase, if this model is on the battlefield, you gain 1CP.

Malign Presence (Aura): If this model is your WARLORD, each time your opponent targets a unit from their army with a Stratagem, if that unit is within 12" of this model, increase the cost of that use of that Stratagem by 1CP.

Domination of the Hive Mind (Aura): While a friendly TYRANIDS unit is within 9" of this model, that unit is within your army’s Synapse Range.
La Mort Subite

Serres et griffes de LictorMêlée62+7-22Précision

Equipement : Serres et griffes de Lictor
Aptitudes : Organisme Prédateur, Peur de l'Invisible (Aura), Vrilles Sensitives, Synapse, Agent Solitaire, Combat en Premier, Discrétion, Infiltrateurs
Mots clés : Envahisseur d'Avant-garde, Grand Dévoreur, Héros Epique, Infanterie, La Mort Subite, Personnage
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides

Feeder Tendrils: Each time this model destroys an enemy CHARACTER model, you gain 1CP.

Fear of the Unseen (Aura): While an enemy unit is within 6" of this model, worsen the Leadership characteristic of models in that unit by 1. In addition, in the Battle-shock step of your opponent’s Command phase, if such an enemy unit is below its Starting Strength, it must take a Battle-shock test.
Le Vieux Borgne

Pinces et griffes du Vieux Borgne - FrappeMêlée63+14-3D6+1
Pinces et griffes du Vieux Borgne - BalayageMêlée123+6-11

Equipement : Pinces et griffes du Vieux Borgne
Aptitudes : Meneur Alpha, Monstre Inexorable, Insensible à la Douleur 5+, Meneur, Meneur Carnifex
Mots clés : Grand Dévoreur, Héros Epique, Le Vieux Borgne, Monstre, Personnage
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides

Alpha Leader: While this model is leading a unit, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the Hit roll.

Unstoppable Monster: At the start of each player’s Command phase, this model regains up to D3 lost wounds.
3 unités | 470 points | 23.5 %

Hurlement psychique182D6N/A5-12Ignore Couvert, Psychique, Torrent
Griffes et fouets de NeurotyranMêlée63+501

Equipement : Hurlement psychique, Griffes et fouets de Neurotyran
Aptitudes : Fouet Nodal (Psychique), Neuroloïdes, Terreur Psychique (Psychique), L'Ombre dans le Warp, Synapse, Meneur, Meneur Neurogaunts Gardes Zoanthropes
Mots clés : Grand Dévoreur, Monstre, Neurotyran, Personnage, Psyker, Synapse, Vol
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides

Node Lash (Psychic): While this model is leading a unit, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, add 1 to the Hit roll. If the target is Battle-shocked, add 1 to the Wound roll as well.
Psychic Terror (Psychic): If one or more models from your army with this ability are on the battlefield when you unleash the

Shadow in the Warp, subtract 1 from the Battle-shock test each enemy unit on the battlefield must take as a result.

Neuroloids: In your Command phase, you can select up to two friendly TYRANIDS units within 18" of this model’s unit. Until the start of your next Command phase, the selected units are always considered to be within Synapse Range of your army.
Primat Tyranide ailé

Griffes de PrimatMêlée62+6-12

Equipement : Griffes de Primat
Aptitudes : Agonie Vengeresse, Guerrier Alpha, L'Ombre dans le Warp, Synapse, Frappe en Profondeur, Meneur, Meneur Gargouilles et Guerriers
Mots clés : Envahisseur d'Avant-garde, Grand Dévoreur, Infanterie, Personnage, Primat Tyranide ailé, Synapse, Vol
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides

Alpha Warrior: While this model is leading a unit, weapons equipped by models in that unit have the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability.

Death Blow: If this model is destroyed by a melee attack, if it has not fought this phase, roll one D6: on a 4+, do not remove it from play. The destroyed model can fight after the attacking model’s unit has finished making its attacks, and is then removed from play.
Tyran des Ruches

Epée d'os monstrueuse et BioknoutMêlée62+9-23Jumelé
Canon venin lourd 36D32+9-23Déflagration

Equipement : Canon Venin Lourd, Epée d'os monstrueuse et Bioknout
Aptitudes : Déferlante (Aura, Psychique), Volonté de l'Esprit-Ruche, L'Ombre dans le Warp, Synapse, Destruction Néfaste D3, Meneur, Meneur Gardes
Mots clés : Grand Dévoreur, Monstre, Personnage, Psyker, Synapse, Tyran des Ruches
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides

Will of the Hive Mind: Once per turn, one friendly TYRANIDS unit within 12" of one or more models with this ability can use it when its unit is targeted with a Stratagem. If it does, reduce the CP cost of that use of that Stratagem by 1CP.

Onslaught (Aura, Psychic): While a friendly TYRANIDS unit is within 6" of this model, ranged weapons equipped by models in that unit have the [ASSAULT] and [LETHAL HITS] abilities.
3 unités | 405 points | 20.25 %
Gargouilles (10)

Venin aveuglantMêlée14+301

Equipement : Ecorcheur (10), Venin aveuglant (10)
Aptitudes : Essaim Ailé, Synapse, Frappe en Profondeur
Mots clés : Envahisseur d'Avant-garde, Gargouilles, Grand Dévoreur, Infanterie, Ligne, Multitude Infinie, Vol
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides

Winged Swarm: In your Shooting phase, after this unit has shot, if it is not within Engagement Range of any enemy units, it can make a Normal move of up to 6". If it does, until the end of the turn, this unit is not eligible to declare a charge.
Termagants (10)

Griffes et dents de xénoMêlée14+301
Constricteur18D6N/A201Assaut, Blessures Dévastatrices, Torrent

Equipement : Ecorcheur (9), Constricteur, Griffes et dents de xéno (10)
Aptitudes : Horreurs Prédatrices, Synapse
Mots clés : Grand Dévoreur, Infanterie, Multitude Infinie, Termagants
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides

Skulking Horrors: Once per turn, when an enemy unit ends a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move within 9" of this unit, if this unit is not within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units, it can make a Normal move of up to D6".
2 unités | 145 points | 7.25 %
[2X] Biovores (2)

Lanceur de spores-mines48D34+6-12Déflagration, Blessures Dévastatrices, Lourd, Tir Indirect
Membres chitineux acérésMêlée24+501

Equipement : Lanceur de spores-mines, Membres chitineux acérés
Aptitudes : Semer des spores-mines, Synapse, Destruction Néfaste 1
Mots clés : Biovores, Grand Dévoreur, Infanterie
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides

Seed Spore Mines: Once per turn, in your Shooting phase, when selected to shoot, one unit with this ability can use it instead of making any attacks with its ranged weapons. If it does, you can add one new SPORE MINES unit to your army and set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is wholly within 48" of this unit and more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy units. That SPORE MINES unit contains 1 model for each model in this unit.
Zoanthropes (3)

Décharge Warp - Feu sorcier24D33+7-2D3Déflagration, Psychique
Décharge Warp - Feu sorcier focalisé2413+12-3D6+1Touches Fatales, Psychique
Griffes et dents de xénoMêlée25+301

Equipement : Décharge Warp, Griffes et dents de xéno
Aptitudes : Champ Warp (Aura, Psychique), Sangsue Spirituelle (Aura, Psychique), L'Ombre dans le Warp, Synapse
Mots clés : Grand Dévoreur, Infanterie, Psyker, Synapse, Vol, Zoanthropes
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides

Spirit Leech (Aura, Psychic): While an enemy unit is within 6" of this unit, if this unit contains a Neurothrope, each time that enemy unit fails a Battle-shock test, it suffers D3 mortal wounds and one model in this unit regains up to D3 lost wounds.

Warp Field (Aura, Psychic): While a friendly TYRANIDS unit is within 6" of this unit, models in that unit have a 6+ invulnerable save.
3 unités | 300 points | 15 %
[2X] Carnifex

Griffes et dents de xénoMêlée44+601
Griffes tranchantes additionnelles de Carnifex Mêlée24+9-23Attaques Bonus
Bio-plasma12D34+7-21Assaut, Déflagration
Rangée d'épines654+501Assaut
Pinces broyeuses de CarnifexMêlée44+12-3D6+1

Equipement : Bio-plasma, Rangée d'épines, Griffes et dents de xéno, Griffes tranchantes additionnelles de Carnifex , Pinces broyeuses de Carnifex
Aptitudes : Assaut Fulgurant, Synapse, Destruction Néfaste 1
Mots clés : Carnifex, Grand Dévoreur, Monstre
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides

Blistering Assault: Each time an enemy unit is selected to shoot, after that unit has shot, if any models from this unit lost one or more wounds as a result of those attacks, this unit can make a Blistering Assault move. If it does, roll one D6, adding 2 to the result: each model in this unit can be moved a distance in inches up to the result, but this unit must finish that move as close as possible to the closest enemy unit. When doing so, those models can be moved within Engagement Range of that enemy unit. Each unit can only make one Blistering Assault move per phase.
Emissaire Norne

Vrille Psychique - Neuroparasite1822+8-2D3Précision, Psychique
Vrille Psychique - Neurodécharge182D62+6-21Déflagration, Psychique
Vrille Psychique - Neurorayon1822+12-3D6Fusion 2, Psychique
Griffes tranchantes monstrueusesMêlée62+9-23
Serres perforantes monstrueusesMêlée42+7-22Attaques Bonus

Equipement : Vrille Psychique, Griffes tranchantes monstrueuses, Serres perforantes monstrueuses
Aptitudes : But Singulier, Endommagé 1-5 PV, Résistance Surnaturelle, L'Ombre dans le Warp, Synapse, Destruction Néfaste D6
Mots clés : Emissaire Norne, Grand Dévoreur, Monstre, Psyker, Synapse
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides

Singular Purpose: At the start of the first battle round, select one of the following:

Select one enemy unit. Until the end of the battle, each time this model makes an attack that targets that unit, you can re-roll the Hit roll and you can re-roll the Wound roll.
Select one objective marker. Until the end of the battle, while this model is within range of that objective marker, it has the Feel No Pain 5+ ability and an Objective Control characteristic of 15.

Unnatural Resilience: This model has the Feel No Pain 4+ ability against mortal wounds.

Membres puissantsMêlée43+802
Canon briseur4823+18-4D6+6Lourd

Equipement : Crache-dards, Canon briseur, Membres puissants
Aptitudes : Endommagé 1-5 PV, Organisme Résilient, Synapse, Destruction Néfaste D6
Mots clés : Grand Dévoreur, Monstre, Tyrannofex
Mots clés de faction : Tyranides

Resilient Organism: Once per battle, when an attack is allocated to this model, you can change the Damage characteristic of that attack to 0.
4 unités | 680 points | 34 %

Points : 2000
Commandement : 0
Figurines : 37
Unités : 15

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