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Orks : Ork 1000 [1000 points]

par Aradyas - modifiée le 31 Août 2020

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Stratagèmes Optimisations
  • Suivez-moi les gars
Détachement : Bataillon
Héros épiques
[Seigneur de Guerre] Big Mek avec Champ de Force Kustom (1 + 1)

Equipement : Frags à manche, Kalibr', Kikoup'
Aptitudes : Champ de Force Kustom, Dakka Dakka Dakka !, Loi d'la Bande, Mékaniak Suprême, On y Va !
Mots clés : Big Mek, Infanterie, Personnage
Mots clés de faction : Ork, Bad Moons
Optimisations : Suivez-moi les gars
+ Grot Graisseur

Waaagh!: Friendly <CLAN> INFANTRY units within 6" of this model at the start of the Charge phase can charge even if they Advanced this turn.

Breakin’ Heads: If a <CLAN> unit fails a Morale test while it is within 3" of a friendly <CLAN> WARBOSS, the Warboss can restore order with a brutal display of violence. If they do so, the unit suffers D3 mortal wounds but the Morale test is then considered to have been passed.

Equipement : Bâton de Weirdboy
Aptitudes : Dakka Dakka Dakka !, Energie Waaagh!, Loi d'la Bande, On y Va !, Akkro
Mots clés : Infanterie, Personnage, Psyker, Weirdboy
Mots clés de faction : Ork, Bad Moons
obs : Oss'ments Karbonizés
obs : Châtiment , Eul' Saut, Sentier d'la guerre
2 unités | 140 points | 14 %
Tankbustas (12)

Equipement : Bombes kass'tanks (10), Frags à manche (10), Lance rokettes (10)
Aptitudes : Dakka Dakka Dakka !, Kasseurs de Tanks, Loi d'la Bande, On y Va !
Mots clés : Infanterie, Tankbustas
Mots clés de faction : Ork, Bad Moons
Boss Nob (2) Equipement : Bombes kass'tanks (2), Frags à manche (2), Lance rokettes (2)


Bad Moons Orks love nothing better than flaunting their wealth through demonstrations of ballistic largesse that leave other greenskins’ jaws agape and the enemy reduced to flaming ruin.
Use this Stratagem immediately after resolving a shooting attack with a BAD MOONS INFANTRY unit from your army. That unit can shoot all of its weapons a second time. This Stratagem can only be used once per phase.
1 unité | 204 points | 20.4 %
Boyz (30)

Equipement : Frags à manche (29), Kalibr' (29), Kikoup' (29)
Aptitudes : Dakka Dakka Dakka !, Loi d'la Bande, Marée Verte, On y Va !
Mots clés : Boyz, Infanterie
Mots clés de faction : Ork, Bad Moons
Boss Nob Equipement : Frags à manche, Deux Diskeuz'


Wave after wave of Orks overwhelm the enemy’s defence lines.
Use this Stratagem at the end of your Movement phase. Select a unit of BOYZ from your army that has less than half its starting number of models and remove it from the battlefield. You can then set it up again wholly within 6" of the edge of the battlefield and more than 9" from any enemy models, at its full starting strength. You cannot select a unit for this Stratagem that has been merged via the Mob Up Stratagem. You can only use this Stratagem once per battle.
Boyz (11)

Equipement : Frags à manche (10), Fling' (8), Gros fling'
Aptitudes : Dakka Dakka Dakka !, Loi d'la Bande, On y Va !
Mots clés : Boyz, Infanterie
Mots clés de faction : Ork, Bad Moons
Boss Nob Equipement : Frags à manche, Fling'
Boyz (11)

Equipement : Frags à manche (10), Fling' (8), Gros fling'
Aptitudes : Dakka Dakka Dakka !, Loi d'la Bande, On y Va !
Mots clés : Boyz, Infanterie
Mots clés de faction : Ork, Bad Moons
Boss Nob Equipement : Frags à manche, Fling'
3 unités | 441 points | 44.1 %

Equipement : Kanon kitu, Lance rokettes (4), Rouleau kompresseur, Grot bidouilleur
Aptitudes : Découvert, Explosion
Mots clés : Battlewagon, Transport, Véhicule
Mots clés de faction : Ork, Bad Moons
1 unité | 215 points | 21.5 %

Points : 1000
Commandement : 0
Figurines : 68
Unités : 7

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