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Space Marines : Ligue NML Guillaume [1000 points]

par Ogbar - modifiée le 6 Juin

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Détachement : Dark Angels - Force Opérationnelle du Cercle Intérieur
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Dark Angels
Au début de votre phase de Cdt, choisir un marqueur objectif pour devenir Voué : jusqu'au début de votre prochaine phase de Cdt, +1 pour blesser pour les unités Infanterie Deathwing qui ciblent une unité sur cet objectif.
[Seigneur de Guerre] Capitaine en Armure Terminator

Bolter Storm2422+401Tir Rapide 2
Arme reliqueMêlée62+5-22

Equipement : Bolter Storm, Arme relique
Aptitudes : Rites de bataille, Vertu Inexorable, Serment de l'Instant, Frappe en Profondeur, Meneur, Meneur Terminators
Mots clés : Capitaine, Imperium, Infanterie, Personnage, Terminator, Deathwing
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes
Optimisations : Force Opérationnelle du Cercle Intérieur - Volonté Singulière

Singular Will: DEATHWING model only. Each time the bearer’s unit Piles In or Consolidates, models in that unit can move an additional 3".

Rites of Battle: Once per battle round, one unit from your army with this ability can be targeted by a Stratagem for 0CP, even if another unit from your army has already been targeted by that Stratagem this phase.

The Imperium’s Sword: You can re-roll Charge rolls made for this model’s unit.
1 unité | 115 points | 11.5 %
Escouade Intercessor (5)

Fusil bolter2423+4-11Assaut, Lourd
Pistolet bolter1213+401Pistolet
Lance-grenades Astartes - Frag24D33+401Déflagration
Lance-grenades Astartes - Krak2413+9-2D3
Arme de corps à corpsMêlée33+401
Pistolet à plasma - Standard1213+7-21Pistolet
Pistolet à plasma - Surcharge1213+8-32A Risque, Pistolet
Gantelet énergétiqueMêlée33+8-22

Equipement : Fusil bolter (3), Pistolet bolter (4), Lance-grenades Astartes , Arme de corps à corps (4)
Aptitudes : Objectif Sécurisé, Serment de l'Instant
Mots clés : Escouade Intercessor, Grenades, Imperium, Infanterie, Ligne, Tacticus
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes
Intercessor Sergeant Equipement : Pistolet bolter, Pistolet à plasma, Arme de corps à corps, Gantelet énergétique

Objective Secured: If you control an objective marker at the end of your Command phase and this unit is within range of that objective marker, that objective marker remains under your control, even if you have no models within range of it, until your opponent controls it at the start or end of any turn.
1 unité | 80 points | 8 %
[DA] Chevaliers de la Deathwing (5)

Masse d'AbsolutionMêlée42+6-12
Arme énergétiqueMêlée52+6-21
Grande arme des ImpardonnésMêlée52+6-22Blessures Dévastatrices, Touches Soutenues 1

Equipement : Masse d'Absolution (2), Arme énergétique (2), Guetteur des Ténèbres
Aptitudes : Balise de Téléportation, Cercle Intérieur, Unité Attachée (Terminator), Serment de l'Instant, Frappe en Profondeur
Mots clés : Chevaliers de la Deathwing, Deathwing, Imperium, Infanterie, Terminator
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Dark Angels
Sergent Deathwing Equipement : Grande arme des Impardonnés

Teleport Homer: At the start of the battle, you can set up one Teleport Homer token for this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is not in your opponent’s deployment zone. If you do, once per battle, you can target this unit with the Rapid Ingress Stratagem for 0CP, but when resolving that Stratagem, you must set this unit up within 3" horizontally of that token and not within 9" horizontally of any enemy models. That token is then removed.

Inner Circle: Each time an attack is allocated to a model in this unit, subtract 1 from the Damage characteristic of that attack.

Watcher in the Dark: Once per battle, at any time, this unit can summon a Watcher in the Dark. When it does, until the end of the phase, models in this unit have the Feel No Pain 4+ ability against mortal wounds.
[DA] Escouade de Terminator de la Deathwing (5)

Bolter Storm2423+401Tir Rapide 2
Gantelet énergétiqueMêlée33+8-22
Poing tronçonneurMêlée34+8-22Anti-Véhicule 3+
Arme énergétiqueMêlée43+5-21
Lance-missiles Cyclone - Frag362D63+401Déflagration
Lance-missiles Cyclone - Krak3623+9-2D6

Equipement : Bolter Storm (4), Lance-missiles Cyclone, Gantelet énergétique (2), Poing tronçonneur (2), Guetteur des Ténèbres
Aptitudes : Balise de Téléportation, Deathwing, Unité Attachée (Terminator), Serment de l'Instant, Frappe en Profondeur
Mots clés : Deathwing, Escouade Terminator de la Deathwing, Imperium, Infanterie, Terminator
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Dark Angels
Sergent Deathwing Equipement : Bolter Storm, Arme énergétique
[DA] Escouade de Terminator de la Deathwing (5)

Bolter Storm2423+401Tir Rapide 2
Canon à plasma - Standard36D33+7-21Déflagration
Canon à plasma - Surchauffe36D33+8-32Déflagration, A risque
Gantelet énergétiqueMêlée33+8-22
Poing tronçonneurMêlée34+8-22Anti-Véhicule 3+
Arme énergétiqueMêlée43+5-21

Equipement : Bolter Storm (3), Canon à plasma, Gantelet énergétique (2), Poing tronçonneur (2), Guetteur des Ténèbres
Aptitudes : Balise de Téléportation, Deathwing, Unité Attachée (Terminator), Serment de l'Instant, Frappe en Profondeur
Mots clés : Deathwing, Escouade Terminator de la Deathwing, Imperium, Infanterie, Terminator
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Dark Angels
Sergent Deathwing Equipement : Bolter Storm, Arme énergétique

Teleport Homer: At the start of the battle, you can set up one Teleport Homer token for this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is not in your opponent’s deployment zone. If you do, once per battle, you can target this unit with the Rapid Ingress Stratagem for 0CP, but when resolving that Stratagem, you must set this unit up within 3" horizontally of that token and not within 9" horizontally of any enemy models. That token is then removed.

Deathwing: Each time a model in this unit makes an attack, you can ignore any or all modifiers to that attack’s Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill characteristics and/or to the Hit roll. In addition, each time a model in this unit makes an attack that targets the enemy unit you selected at the start of your Command phase for the Oath of Moment ability, add 1 to the Hit roll.

Watcher in the Dark: Once per battle, at any time, this unit can summon a Watcher in the Dark. When it does, until the end of the phase, models in this unit have the Feel No Pain 4+ ability against mortal wounds.
3 unités | 575 points | 57.5 %
Dreadnought Redemptor

Lance-grenades Fragstorm jumelé18D63+401Déflagration, Jumelé
Canon Gatling Onslaught2483+501Blessures Dévastatrices
Macro Incinérateur à Plasma - Standard36D6+13+8-32Déflagration
Macro Incinérateur à Plasma - Surcharge36D6+13+9-43Déflagration, A risque
Nacelle lance-roquettes Icarus24D33+8-12Anti-Vol 2+
Poing de RedemptorMêlée53+12-23

Equipement : Lance-grenades Fragstorm jumelé, Canon Gatling Onslaught, Macro Incinérateur à Plasma, Nacelle lance-roquettes Icarus, Poing de Redemptor
Aptitudes : Devoir Eternel, Endommagé 1-4 PV, Serment de l'Instant, Destruction Néfaste D3
Mots clés : Dreadnought, Dreadnought Redemptor, Imperium, Marcheur, Véhicule, Deathwing
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes

Duty Eternal: Each time an attack is allocated to this model, subtract 1 from the Damage characteristic of that attack.
1 unité | 210 points | 21 %

Points : 980
- pts restants : 20
Commandement : 0
Figurines : 22
Unités : 6

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