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Space Marines : Ligue NML Cédric [1000 points]

par Ogbar - modifiée le 6 Juin

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Détachement : Adeptus Astartes - Fer de Lance Ironstorm
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Space Wolves
Une fois par phase pour chaque unité Adeptus Astartes, vous pouvez relancer 1 jet de touche, 1 jet de blessure ou 1 jet de dégâts.
Héros épiques
[SW] Ragnar Blackmane

Pistolet bolter1212+401
Croc de GivreMêlée82+6-32Touches Soutenues 1

Equipement : Pistolet bolter, Croc de Givre
Aptitudes : Avidité Guerrière, Hurlement Guerrier, Serment de l'Instant, Meneur, Meneur Intercessor, Bladeguards et Space Wolves
Mots clés : Capitaine, Grenades, Héros Epique, Imperium, Infanterie, Personnage, Ragnar Blackmane, Tacticus
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Space Wolves

War Howl: While this model is leading a unit, that unit is eligible to declare a charge in a turn in which it Advanced.

Battle-lust: Each time this model ends a Charge move, until the end of the turn, add 2 to the Attacks and Strength characteristics of this model’s Frostfang.
1 unité | 90 points | 9 %
Capitaine en Armure Terminator

Arme combinée2413+401Anti-Infanterie 4+, Blessures Dévastatrices, Tir Rapide 1
Arme reliqueMêlée62+5-22

Equipement : Arme combinée, Arme relique
Aptitudes : Rites de bataille, Vertu Inexorable, Serment de l'Instant, Frappe en Profondeur, Meneur, Meneur Terminators
Mots clés : Capitaine, Imperium, Infanterie, Personnage, Terminator
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes

Rites of Battle: Once per battle round, one unit from your army with this ability can be targeted by a Stratagem for 0CP, even if another unit from your army has already been targeted by that Stratagem this phase.

The Imperium’s Sword: You can re-roll Charge rolls made for this model’s unit.
[SW] Prêtre de Fer

Pistolet Helfrost - diffus12D3N/A3-11Pistolet, Torrent
Pistolet Helfrost - concentré1212+6-33Pistolet
Marteau TempestMêlée34+8-23
ServobrasMêlée13+8-23Attaques Bonus

Equipement : Pistolet Helfrost, Marteau Tempest, Servobras
Aptitudes : Bénédiction de l'Omnimessie, Prêtre de Fer, Vengeance de l'Omnimessie., Serment de l'Instant, Meneur, Meneur Space Wolves et Servitors
Mots clés : Grenades, Imperium, Infanterie, Personnage, Prêtre de Fer, Techmarine
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Space Wolves
Optimisations : Fer de Lance Ironstorm - Adepte de l'Omnimessie

Adept of the Omnissiah: TECHMARINE model only. Once per battle round, when a saving throw is failed for a friendly ADEPTUS ASTARTES VEHICLE model within 6" of the bearer, you can change the Damage characteristic of that attack to 0.

Iron Priest: While this model is within 3" of one or more friendly ADEPTUS ASTARTES VEHICLE units, this model has the Lone Operative ability

Blessing of the Omnissiah: In your Command phase, you can select one friendly ADEPTUS ASTARTES VEHICLE model within 3" of this model. That model regains up to D3 lost wounds and, until the start of your next Command phase, each time that Vehicle model makes an attack, add 1 to the Hit roll. Each model can only be selected for this ability once per turn.

Vengeance of the Omnissiah: If a friendly ADEPTUS ASTARTES VEHICLE model is destroyed within 12" of this model, until the end of the battle, this model’s tempest hammer has an Attacks characteristic of 6.
2 unités | 190 points | 19 %
Escouade d'assaut Intercessor (5)

Pistolet bolter Lourd1813+4-11Pistolet
Epée tronçonneuse AstartesMêlée43+4-11
Pistolet à plasma - Standard1213+7-21Pistolet
Pistolet à plasma - Surcharge1213+8-32A Risque, Pistolet
Gantelet énergétiqueMêlée33+8-22

Equipement : Pistolet bolter Lourd (4), Epée tronçonneuse Astartes (4)
Aptitudes : Intercession Ciblée, Serment de l'Instant
Mots clés : Escouade d'Assaut Intercessor , Grenades, Imperium, Infanterie, Ligne, Tacticus
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes
Sergent Intercessor d'Assaut Equipement : Pistolet à plasma, Gantelet énergétique

Shock Assault: Each time a model in this unit targets an enemy unit with a melee attack, re-roll a Wound roll of 1. If that enemy unit is within range of an objective marker, you can re-roll the Wound roll instead.
1 unité | 75 points | 7.5 %
Escouade Infiltrator (5)

Carabine bolter d'élite2423+401Lourd
Pistolet bolter1213+401Pistolet
Arme de corps à corpsMêlée33+401

Equipement : Carabine bolter d'élite (4), Pistolet bolter (4), Arme de corps à corps (4), Dispositif de Communications Infiltrator, Gantelet Helix
Aptitudes : Omni-brouilleurs, Serment de l'Instant, Infiltrateurs
Mots clés : Escouade Infiltrator, Fumée, Grenades, Imperium, Infanterie, Phobos
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes
Infiltrator Sergeant Equipement : Carabine bolter d'élite, Pistolet bolter, Arme de corps à corps

Omni-scramblers: Enemy units that are set up on the battlefield from Reserves cannot be set up within 12" of this unit.

Helix Gauntlet: Models in the bearer’s unit have the Feel No Pain 6+ ability.

Infiltrator Comms Array: Each time you target the bearer’s unit with a Stratagem, roll one D6: on a 5+, you gain 1CP.
[SW] Terminators Gardes Loups (5)

Bolter Storm2423+401Tir Rapide 2
Arme combinée2414+401Anti-Infanterie 4+, Blessures Dévastatrices, Tir Rapide 1
Lance-missiles Cyclone - Frag362D63+401Déflagration
Lance-missiles Cyclone - Krak3623+9-2D6
Gantelet énergétiqueMêlée33+8-22
Arme énergétiqueMêlée43+5-21

Equipement : Bolter Storm, Arme combinée (3), Lance-missiles Cyclone, Gantelet énergétique (4)
Aptitudes : Gardes Loups, Unité Attachée (Terminator), Serment de l'Instant, Frappe en Profondeur
Mots clés : Grenades, Imperium, Infanterie, Terminator, Terminators Gardes Loups
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Space Wolves
Chef de Meute Terminator Garde Loup Equipement : Arme combinée, Arme énergétique

Wolf Guard: Each time a model in this unit makes an attack, you can ignore any or all modifiers to that attack’s Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill characteristic and/or to the Hit roll. In addition, each time a model in this unit makes an attack that targets the enemy unit you selected for the Oath of Moment ability this turn, add 1 to the Hit roll.
2 unités | 285 points | 28.5 %
Escouade Outrider (3)

Fusil bolter jumelé2423+4-11Jumelé
Pistolet bolter Lourd1813+4-11Pistolet
Epée tronçonneuse AstartesMêlée43+4-11

Equipement : Fusil bolter jumelé (3), Pistolet bolter Lourd (3), Epée tronçonneuse Astartes (3)
Aptitudes : Turbo-boost, Serment de l'Instant
Mots clés : Escouade Outrider, Grenades, Imperium, Monté
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes

Turbo-boost: Each time this unit Advances, do not make an Advance roll for it. Instead, until the end of the phase, add 6" to the Move characteristic of models in this unit.
1 unité | 80 points | 8 %
Dreadnought Ballistus

Bolter Storm jumelé2423+401Tir Rapide 2, Jumelé
Canon laser Ballistus4823+12-3D6+1
Lance-missiles Ballistus - Frag482D63+501Déflagration
Lance-missiles Ballistus - Krak4823+10-2D6
Pieds blindésMêlée53+701

Equipement : Bolter Storm jumelé, Canon laser Ballistus, Lance-missiles Ballistus, Pieds blindés
Aptitudes : Endommagé 1-4 PV, Frappe Ballistus, Serment de l'Instant, Destruction Néfaste D3
Mots clés : Dreadnought, Dreadnought Ballistus, Imperium, Marcheur, Véhicule
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes

Ballistus Strike: Each time this model makes a ranged attack that targets a unit that is not Below Half-strength, you can re-roll the Hit roll.
Exo-harnais tactique Invictor

Bolter lourd3633+5-12Touches Soutenues 1
Canon Incendium12D6+3N/A6-11Ignore Couvert, Torrent
Lance-grenades Fragstorm18D63+401Déflagration
Mitrailleuse Ironhail jumelée3633+401Tir Rapide 3, Jumelé
Gantelet InvictorMêlée53+14-23

Equipement : Bolter lourd, Canon Incendium, Lance-grenades Fragstorm, Mitrailleuse Ironhail jumelée, Gantelet Invictor
Aptitudes : Endommagé 1-4 PV, Soutien en Combat, Serment de l'Instant, Destruction Néfaste D3, Eclaireurs 8ps
Mots clés : Exo-harnais Tactique Invictor, Imperium, Marcheur, Phobos, Véhicule
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes

Combat Support: Once per turn, in your opponent’s Shooting phase, when a friendly ADEPTUS ASTARTES PHOBOS INFANTRY unit within 6" of this model is selected as the target of an attack, one model from your army with this ability can use it. If it does, after that enemy unit has finished making its attacks, that model can shoot as if it were your Shooting phase, but when resolving those attacks it can only target that enemy unit [and only if it is an eligible target).
2 unités | 280 points | 28 %

Points : 1000
Commandement : 0
Figurines : 23
Unités : 9

Photo aléatoire
Warp Spider (escouade1)

Ost Urug Heleg - Ma Collection par Sethin
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