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Agents of the Imperium : Assaut / Fusillade [1250 points]

par Colossus - modifiée le 3 Mars 2016

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Détachement principal
Héros épiques
[Seigneur de Guerre] Inquisitor Coteaz

Equipement : Artificier armour , Krak grenades, Psyk-out grenades, Bolt pistol, Psyber-eagle, Master-crafted Nemesis Daemon Hammer
Aptitudes : Independent Character, I’ve Been Expecting You, Lord of Formosa, Psyker (Mastery Level 2), Spy Network, Stubborn, Warlord Trait : Daemonhunter
Ordo Malleus Inquisitor

Equipement : Carapace armour, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Psyk-out grenades, Bolt pistol, Chainsword , Servo-skull
Aptitudes : Independent Character, Stubborn
Armour Terminator Equipement : Terminator armour, Psyk-out grenades, Storm bolter , Nemesis Daemon hammer, Psycannon
Aptitudes : Independent Character, Stubborn

Arrive en FeP
2 unités | 183 points | 14.64 %
Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband (1 + 4)

obs : Smoke launchers, Multi-laser, Amphibious, Heavy flamer
+ Jokaero Weaponsmith (4) Equipement : Defence orbs, Digital weapons
Aptitudes : Inconceivable Customisation, Jokaero Ingenuity

Suite Coteaz
Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband (1 + 5)

+ Crusader Equipement : Flak armour , Storm shield, Power sword + Jokaero Weaponsmith (3) Equipement : Defence orbs, Digital weapons
Aptitudes : Inconceivable Customisation, Jokaero Ingenuity + Psyker Equipement : Flak armour , Laspistol
Aptitudes : Brotherhood of Psykers (Mastery Level 1), Psychic Powers
Mots clés de faction : Psychic barrage
Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband (1 + 12)

obs : Extra armour, Searchlight, Hellstrike missiles, Multi-laser, Grav Chute Insertion
+ Acolyte (10) Equipement : Flak armour , Laspistol, Chainsword , Boltgun (7), Plasma gun (3) + Ministorum Priest Equipement : Flak armour , Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Rosarius, Laspistol, Close combat weapon, Plasma gun, Metla bomb
Aptitudes : War Hymns, Zealot + Psyker Equipement : Flak armour , Laspistol
Aptitudes : Brotherhood of Psykers (Mastery Level 1), Psychic Powers
Mots clés de faction : Psychic barrage
Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband (1 + 12)

obs : Smoke launchers, Multi-laser, Amphibious, Heavy flamer
+ Acolyte (10) Equipement : Flak armour , Laspistol, Chainsword , Boltgun (7), Plasma gun (3) + Ministorum Priest Equipement : Flak armour , Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Rosarius, Laspistol, Close combat weapon, Plasma gun, Metla bomb
Aptitudes : War Hymns, Zealot + Psyker Equipement : Flak armour , Laspistol
Aptitudes : Brotherhood of Psykers (Mastery Level 1), Psychic Powers
Mots clés de faction : Psychic barrage
Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband (1 + 6)

obs : Smoke launchers, Twin-linked heavy bolter, Psybolt ammunition
+ Acolyte (5) Equipement : Flak armour , Laspistol, Chainsword , Boltgun (2), Plasma gun (3) + Psyker Equipement : Flak armour , Laspistol
Aptitudes : Brotherhood of Psykers (Mastery Level 1), Psychic Powers
Mots clés de faction : Psychic barrage
Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband (1 + 6)

obs : Smoke launchers, Twin-linked heavy bolter, Psybolt ammunition
+ Acolyte (5) Equipement : Flak armour , Laspistol, Chainsword , Boltgun (2), Meltagun (3) + Psyker Equipement : Flak armour , Laspistol
Aptitudes : Brotherhood of Psykers (Mastery Level 1), Psychic Powers
Mots clés de faction : Psychic barrage
Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband (1 + 6)

obs : Smoke launchers, Twin-linked heavy bolter, Psybolt ammunition
+ Acolyte (5) Equipement : Flak armour , Laspistol, Chainsword , Boltgun (2), Meltagun (3) + Psyker Equipement : Flak armour , Laspistol
Aptitudes : Brotherhood of Psykers (Mastery Level 1), Psychic Powers
Mots clés de faction : Psychic barrage
7 unités | 1065 points | 85.2 %

Points : 1248
Commandement : 0
Figurines : 60
Unités : 9

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